Tel: 0411-39639392 39639391
Fax: 0411-39639180
Dalian F.E.S Bearing Technology Co.,Ltd.(short for F.E.S) is located at Dalian---A garden city like a pearl in North China. As a specialized manufacturer in designing and developing general bearings and nonstandard bearings, F.E.S, also covers the business line of exporting and importing bearings with a good reputation in the Europe, the U.S., Australia, Middle East and South Africa.
F.E.S offers a variety of products, including rolling mill bearing, bearing for precision machine tool, engineering vehicle bearing, full loaded roller bearing, spherical roller bearing, cone roller bearing, cylinder roller bearing, thrust bearing, slewing bearing and super large bearing. Equipped with constant-temperature and dust-free workshops and modern warehouses, F.E.S manufactures high quality products with international standards and advanced QC process. With the adoption of the cutting-edge systems of CAD, PDM, UG and ERP, our technology department can complete customized bearing assembly design within 4 hours, providing nonstandard products to meet clients?individualized requirements. Over 73% bearings are exported to over 20 countries and regions in Europe, the Americas, Southeast Asia and Middle East. We have won a good reputation and credibility both home and abroad and established long-term partnership with our clients.
To better meet clients?demands, F.E.S secures dealership and franchises from a number of internationally-renowned bearing brands, including FAG,INA, TIMKEN,SKF, NSK, NTN, NACHI,IKO,THK and FYH. We also set up a modern warehouse and logistics center in Dalian Free Trade Zone, stocking thousands of types of bearings, including rolling bearing, linear series, nonstandard special bearing, high-speed precision bearing and industrial components. Our products are widely applied in industries of steel, electricity, metallurgy, machine tool, chemicals, engineering vehicles, mining machine, construction machine and railway. As your reliable partner, F.E.S not only provides first-class products, but also offers optimized solutions for upscale clients around the globe, for our long standing commitment for the best products and services.
22310ASK.578623 505057 511978
503288 508733A 514166
508091A 24126ASK30.535611 517679
23136S.579251 505356 511979
503316 508776A 514225
508308 24128ASK30.527487 517680A
23140B.568923 505466 511980
503326A 508780 514278A
508328B 24128S.541505 517681
23218ASK.801440 505467 511981
503594 508893A 514353
508368 24130ASK30.514243 517682
23236B.568924 505470 511982
503656 508955 514401
508370 24130BS.523822 517684A
24028S.528857 505610 511983
503739 508990A 514432
508657 24132ASK30.527488 517685
24032S.523823 505611B 511984
503742 509029 514433A
508658A 24134ASK30.527489 517687A
24038BS.523792 505612 511985
503745 509059A 514434
508726 24134BS.523378 517688
24040BS.525392 505613A 511986
503772 509091A 514444
508727 24136ASK30.525605 517689A
24044B.572037 505614A 511987
503901.N12BA 509092A 514445B
508728 24136BS.523817 517690
24052B.572036 505684 511988
504083 509093A 514461
508729 24138AK30.518393 517692
24056B.538565 506201 511989
504415A 509094A 514478
508730A 24138B.536423 517737
24060B.531119 506497A 511990
504512 509098A 514478
508731A 511978 517740
24122ASK30.533310 514166 511991
504547 517679 514479
508732A 511979 517792
24124S.578744 514225 511992
505057 517680A 514479
508733A 511980 24172AK30.801462
24126ASK30.535611 514278A 507343A
505356 517681 510039
508776A 511981 24184AK30.525933
24128ASK30.527487 514353 507344
505466 517682 510041
508780 511982 500857A
24128S.541505 514401 507448
505467 517684A 510043
508893A 511983 500860
24130ASK30.514243 514432 507508
505470 517685 510150
508955 511984 500861
24130BS.523822 514433A 507509
505610 517687A 510199
508990A 511985 500909
24132ASK30.527488 514434 507510A
505611B 517688 510289A
509029 511986 501359A
24134ASK30.527489 514444 507511
505612 517689A 510302A
509059A 511987 501657
24134BS.523378 514445B 507518
505613A 517690 510350.C4.N12BA
509091A 511988 502279
24136ASK30.525605 514461 507536
505614A 517692 510375
509092A 511989 502283
24136BS.523817 514478 507540
505684 517737 510452
509093A 511990 502284
24138AK30.518393 514478 507628
506201 517740 510607A
509094A 511991 502288
24138B.536423 514479 507629
506497A 517792 510608A
509098A 511992 502894A
24140AK30.527490 514479 507686A
506725A 517793A 510687A
509173 511993 502954
24140B.522444 514480 507735
506743A 517794 510776A
509352 511994 510855
24140B.541020 514480 513342.N12BA
506869 517795 517254
509391 511995 511044A
24144AK30.514842 514481 513357
506871 517796 517329A
509392 511996 511045A
24144B.527514 514481 513378A
506872 517944 517369A
509411 511997 511115
24148AK30.527491 514502 513401
506962 517979 517423
509590A 511998 511347
24148B.517299 514528 513584A
506963 517982 517436
509654 512055 511538
24148B.541021 514599 513654A
506964 518067 517454A
509665 512056 511569
24152AK30.514242 514645 513703
507333 518078 517458A
509680 512127 511577
24152B.530662 514752 513729A
507335 518206 517464
509693A 512406 511605
24152B.561779 514958 513769A
507336 518214 517498A
509737A 512407 511746
24156B.531079 514959 513770
507338A 518240A 517499A
510033 512497C 511775
24160AK30.526655 515087 513828
507339 518649 517563A
510035 512497D 511781
24160B.541538 515090 513833
507341 518667 517623
510036 512516 511861
24164AK30.523187 515125 513894
507342A 518674 517675
510038 512525A 511976
24172AK30.801462 511115 513974
507343A 513401 517676
510039 517423 511977
24184AK30.525933 511347 514164
507344 513584A 517678
510041 517436 524544A
500857A 511538 527977
507448 513654A 521593A
510043 517454A 524678A
500860 511569 528249
507508 513703 521746
510150 517458A 524740
500861 511577 528269
507509 513729A 521798
510199 517464 524770
500909 511605 528283
507510A 513769A 521799A
510289A 517498A 524881A
501359A 511746 528294
507511 513770 521823
510302A 517499A 524903
501657 511775 528348
507518 513828 521872
510350.C4.N12BA 517563A 525012
502279 511781 528407
507536 513833 521910
510375 517623 525090
502283 511861 528518
507540 513894 521936
510452 517675 525147
502284 511976 528562
507628 513974 522007
510607A 517676 525154
502288 511977 528711A
507629 514164 522008
510608A 517678 525155
502894A 511978 528717
507686A 514166 522009
510687A 517679 525438
502954 511979 528876
507735 514225 522010
510776A 517680A 525465
510855 511980 528949
513342.N12BA 514278A 522040
517254 517681 525469
511044A 511981 528974
513357 514353 522071
517329A 517682 525652
511045A 511982 528996
513378A 514401 522121
517369A 517684A 525652V
511115 511983 529001
513401 514432 522129
517423 517685 525789
511347 511984 529054
513584A 514433A 522130
517436 517687A 525830
511538 511985 529055
513654A 514434 522310
517454A 517688 525837A
511569 511986 529077
513703 514444 522388
517458A 517689A 525845
511577 511987 529086
513729A 514445B 522388
517464 517690 525858
511605 511988 529220
513769A 514461 522458
517498A 517692 525882
511746 511989 529275
513770 514478 522518A
517499A 517737 525914
511775 511990 529468.N12BA
513828 514478 522614
517563A 517740 525937
511781 511991 529469.N12BA
513833 514479 522742
517623 517792 526165
511861 511992 529635
513894 514479 522837
517675 517793A 526169
511976 511993 530297
513974 514480 522847
517676 517794 526190
511977 511994 530352
514164 514480 522978
517678 517795 526198
511978 511995 530487
514166 514481 523039
517679 517796 526199
511979 511996 530488
514225 514481 523062
517680A 517944 526251
511980 511997 530731
514278A 514502 523207
517681 517979 526731
511981 511998 530739
514353 514528 523247B
517682 517982 526831
511982 512055 530758
514401 514599 523247C
517684A 518067 526837
511983 512056 530843
514432 514645 523319
517685 518078 526864
511984 512127 530908
514433A 514752 523387
517687A 518206 527018
511985 512406 530979
514434 514958 523399
517688 518214 527021
511986 512407 530985
514444 514959 523453
517689A 518240A 527030
511987 512497C 530986
514445B 515087 523543
517690 518649 527048
511988 512497D 531065
514461 515090 523695
517692 518667 527082
511989 512516 531295A
514478 515125 523935
517737 518674 527104
511990 512525A 531296A
514478 515127A 524088
517740 518780 527127
511991 512580 531517
514479 515129 524152
517792 518817 527128
511992 512601 531518
514479 515141 524192
517793A 518846 527181
511993 512630 531529
514480 515180 524194
517794 518879A 527184
511994 512704A 531530
514480 515194A 524209A
517795 518884 527184V
511995 512764 531531
514481 515196 524210
517796 518933 527308
511996 512878 531555
514481 515494 524229
517944 521065 527351
511997 512972 531597
514502 515495 524238A
517979 521084 527366
511998 513125 531821
514528 515897A 524239A
517982 521179 527388
512055 513140 531839
514599 515917A 524241
518067 521229B 527502B
512056 513141 531841
514645 515956 524289B
518078 521233 527502C
512127 513166A 531883
514752 517113 524340
518206 521467A 527634
512406 521522 532001
514958 524533B 524440A
518214 527934 527795
512407 521592 532002
514959 536897 524469
518240A 541361 527805
512497C 533018 532028
515087 536948 524528
518649 541397 527907
512497D 533022 532029
515090 537406 532030
518667 541398 534898
512516 533023 539205
515125 537420 532241
518674 541452 534900
512525A 533053.N12BA 539232
515127A 537675 532273
518780 541646 534972
512580 533062 539260
515129 537778 532301
518817 541647 535081
512601 533179A 539519
515141 537903 532309
518846 541705 535082
512630 533258 539570
515180 537904 532341
518879A 541806 535083
512704A 533259 539571
515194A 537905 532376
518884 541812 535191
512764 533277 539574
515196 538086 532381.N12BA
518933 541851 535192
512878 533303 539576
515494 538147 532392
521065 541910 535193
512972 533433 539945
515495 538177 532465
521084 541911 535518
513125 533447 540088
515897A 538178 532470
521179 541912 535533
513140 533487 540157
515917A 538179 532479
521229B 541941 535959
513141 533522 540268A
515956 538180 532504
521233 541965 536164
513166A 533575 540386
517113 538181 532655
521467A 541982 536245
521522 533578 540650
524533B 538182 532828
527934 541983 536529
521592 533683 540696
524544A 538183 532843
527977 542048 536586
521593A 533780 540889
524678A 538204 532949
528249 542129 536629
521746 533792 541134
524740 538205 532950
528269 542146 536712
521798 533805 541332A
524770 538271 532951
528283 542395 536897
521799A 533808 541361
524881A 538339 533018
528294 542648 536948
521823 533880 541397
524903 538341 533022
528348 542664 537406
521872 534038 541398
525012 538522 533023
528407 542738 537420
521910 534196 541452
525090 538585 533053.N12BA
528518 543034 537675
521936 534283 541646
525147 538787 533062
528562 543067 537778
522007 534284 541647
525154 538852 533179A
528711A 543174 537903
522008 534370A 541705
525155 538854 533258
528717 543176 537904
522009 534470 541806
525438 538977 533259
528876 543185A 537905
522010 534480 541812
525465 539031 533277
528949 543242 538086
522040 534751 541851
525469 539084 533303
528974 543242V 538147
522071 534753 541910
525652 539097 533433
528996 543307A 538177
522121 534754 541911
525652V 539098 533447
529001 543325A 538178
522129 534755 541912
525789 539099 533487
529054 543378 538179
522130 534756 541941
525830 539110 533522
529055 543447 538180
522310 534757 541965
525837A 539117 533575
529077 543481 538181
522388 534866 541982
525845 539120 533578
529086 543535 538182
522388 534867 541983
525858 539193 533683
529220 543638A 538183
522458 543655 542048
525882 549122 533780
529275 565300 538204
522518A 543718 542129
525914 549321 533792
529468.N12BA 565323 538205
522614 543736 542146
525937 549348 533805
529469.N12BA 565463 538271
522742 543975 542395
526165 549349 533808
529635 565472 538339
522837 544145 542648
526169 549701 533880
530297 565625 538341
522847 544178 542664
526190 549722 534038
530352 565652 538522
522978 544199 542738
526198 549735 534196
530487 565734 538585
523039 544260 543034
526199 549864 534283
530488 565735 538787
523062 544752 543067
526251 549895 534284
530731 565736 538852
523207 544753 543174
526731 549928 534370A
530739 565775 538854
523247B 544754 543176
526831 549929 534470
530758 565904 538977
523247C 544794 543185A
526837 549963 534480
530843 565906 539031
523319 544840 543242
526864 549964 534751
530908 565920 539084
524469 544992 543242V
527805 549965 534753
532028 565979 539097
524528 544992V 543307A
527907 549970 534754
532029 566013 539098
532030 545171 543325A
534898 549971 534755
539205 566148 539099
532241 545467 543378
534900 560371 534756
539232 566204 539110
532273 545628 543447
534972 561005 534757
539260 566230 539117
532301 545636 543481
535081 561017 534866
539519 566305 539120
532309 545678 543535
535082 561038 534867
539570 566306 539193
532341 545768 543638A
535083 561221 543655
539571 566443A 549122
532376 545936 565300
535191 561269 543718
539574 566446 549321
532381.N12BA 545937 565323
535192 561270 543736
539576 566447 549348
532392 545991 565463
535193 561271 543975
539945 566466 549349
532465 546152 565472
535518 561419 544145
540088 566721 561585
532470 546304 566765
535533 561420 546335
540157 566764 561772
532479 546305 566883
535959 562080 546348
Tel: 0411-39639392 39639391
Fax: 0411-39639180